Monday, September 30, 2019

Security Commision Malaysia

INTRODUCTION SECURITIES COMMISSION Securities Commission is a general term used for a government department or agency responsible for financial regulation of  securities  products within a particular country. Its powers and responsibilities vary greatly from country to country, but generally cover the setting of rules as well as enforcing them for financial intermediaries and  stock exchanges. The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), is responsible for the regulation and development of capital markets in Malaysia.Established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993, it is a self-funding statutory body with investigative and enforcement powers. It reports to the Minister of Finance and its accounts are tabled in Parliament annually. The SC's many regulatory functions include: * Supervising exchanges, clearing houses and central depositories; * Registering authority for prospectuses of corporations other than unlisted recreational clubs; * Approving authority for corporate bond issues; Regulating all matters relating to securities and futures contracts; * Regulating the take-over and mergers of companies * Regulating all matters relating to unit trust schemes; * Licensing and supervising all licensed persons; * Encouraging self-regulation; and * Ensuring proper conduct of market institutions and licensed persons. The SC's objective, as stated in its mission statement, is to promote and maintain fair, efficient, secure and transparent securities and futures markets and to facilitate the overall development of an innovative and competitive capital market.MALAYSIA CAPITAL MARKET A capital market is a market for securities (debt or equity), where business enterprises (companies) and governments can raise long-term funds. It is defined as a market in which money is provided for periods longer than a year, as the raising of short-term funds takes place on other markets such as the money market). The capital market includes the stock market (equity securities) and the bond market (debt). Financial regulators, such as Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) oversee the capital markets in their esignated jurisdictions to ensure that investors are protected against fraud, among other duties Capital markets may be classified as primary markets and secondary markets. In primary markets, new stock or bond issues are sold to investors via a mechanism known as underwriting. In the secondary markets, existing securities are sold and bought among investors or traders, usually on a securities exchange, over-the-counter, or elsewhere. Role of Securities Commission in Malaysian Capital Market The main role of securities commission is to regulate the Malaysian capital market by implementing Capital Markets and Services Act 2007(CMSA).This Act repeals the Securities Industry Act 1983 (SIA) and Futures Industry Act 1993(FIA). The CMSA which takes effect on 28 September 2007 introduces a single licensing regime for capital market intermediaries. Under this new regime, a capital market intermediary will only need one license to carry on business in any one or more of the following regulated activities such as dealing in securities, trading in futures contracts, fund management, advising on corporate finance, investment advice and financial planning.Licensing ensures an adequate level of investor protection, including the provision of sufficient safeguards to protect investors from default by market intermediaries or problems arising from the insolvency of such intermediaries. More importantly, it instills confidence among investors that the organizations and people they deal with will treat them fairly and are efficient, honest and financially sound. Through its authority to issue licenses, the SC regulates the market by ascertaining the fitness and propriety of companies and individuals applying for licenses.In considering whether an applicant is fit and proper to hold a license, the SC takes into account the following fact ors: * Probity – adherence to the highest principles and ideals; * Ability to perform such functions efficiently, honestly and fairly; * Financial status; * Reputation, character, financial integrity and reliability; Under this measure, intermediaries hold a Capital Markets and Services License as opposed to multiple separate licenses, which effectively reduces administrative and compliance costs, and ultimately saves time.In addition, SC also advised the public not to make any investment with companies that are not licensed or approved by them. SC provide a list of known companies and websites which are not authorized nor approved under the securities laws to deal in securities, trade in futures contracts, advise on corporate finance, provide investment advice, financial planning and/or fund management services related to securities and futures for the public to take note. Last but not least, SC will also continue to monitor those intermediaries that hold the Capital Markets and Services License from time to time, to ensure the albeit to their laws.The Malaysian Capital Market Compliance with International Standards and Transparency Although Malaysia has not undertaken the IMF/World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), the Securities Commission (SC), as the competent regulatory authority for oversight of the capital market, has voluntarily undertaken independent assessments under the various standards set by the IMF/World Bank, and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).The SC has also supported the move to comply with international best practices on accounting-related matters. A. Code on Corporate Governance for Listed Companies Malaysia embarked on extensive corporate governance reforms since 1998, included introduction of a code of corporate governance and immediate steps to implement changes in the composition and role of board of directors. Out of 10 recommendations to strengthen corporate governance stated in the Capital Market Masterplan by Securities Commission, nine of it has been carried out since 2004.These included strengthening of revelation rules, corporate whistleblower protection and major reforms to patch up government-linked corporations (GLCs). Malaysia voluntarily agreed to be assessed under the Corporate Governance Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (CG ROSC) by the World Bank in 2005, based on a methodology that is benchmarked against the internationally accepted OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.Malaysia has published the CG ROSC that was completed in 2005. B. IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) – Assessment on Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation (IOSCO Principles) In 2008, the Securities Commission undertook an independent assessment by IOSCO to benchmark its compliance against IOSCO's 30 core principles on securities regulation.The principles covered the responsibilities of the regulator, its enforceme nt powers, the regulation and supervision of primary and secondary markets, market intermediaries, the management and operation of unit trusts, and clearing and settlement. The Malaysian capital market regulatory framework was assessed as fully compliant with virtually all of the IOSCO Principles. Malaysia was rated fully implemented for 28 out of 29 principles, and also for 18 out of the 19 recommendations for Principle 30 on clearing and settlement.Furthermore, Securities Commission has continued to enhance its regulatory framework, processes and protocols in identified areas. Steps are also being taken to address the measures required to become fully compliant with the other two remaining Principles. C. Compliance of CRAs with IOSCO Code Following the release of the revised IOSCO Code, the domestic credit rating agencies (CRAs), RAM and MARC, have adopted the revised IOSCO Code in their own code of conduct.The updated codes, published in early 2009, broadly aimed at enhancing sta ndards and conduct of credit rating agencies in the quality and integrity of the rating process, CRA independence and avoidance of conflicts of interest, CRA responsibilities to the investing public and issuer, and disclosure of the code of conduct and communications with market participants. The adoption of the IOSCO Code by RAM and MARC is an important achievement as only seven CRAs had implemented the code, namely Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poors, the Japan Credit Rating Agency and the Dominion Bond Rating Service.D. Assessments on Compliance with the 40+9 Recommendations by the FATF In January 2007, Malaysia was assessed for compliance with the 40+9 recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of policies, both at national and international levels, to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. (AML/CFT). The Mutual Evaluation Report is published on the APG website. Measures undertaken by the SC for the capital market sector contributed to a high level of compliance.Malaysia was rated as fully compliant with nine and largely compliant with 24 recommendations. In 2008, the SC implemented several measures to implement the recommendations in the Mutual Evaluation Report. These included measures on market conduct and business practices for stockbrokers and licensed representatives, amending the provisions in the SC's guidelines relating to customer due diligence requirements and politically exposed persons and setting up a networking group to encourage a more proactive participation by the capital market intermediaries towards ensuring higher standards of AML/CFT compliance.E. Compliance with International Accounting Standards Furthermore, the SC is also operational directly with the respective Malaysian accounting boards to integrate accounting principles, with a commitment on full convergence with international accounting standards by 2012. RECO MMENDATION We hope that Securities Commission will continue to play their role well in Malaysian capital market to ensure all investors are protected by them.This will surely benefit all investors who invest in Malaysia capital market as their risks are reduced and accurate information is provided by SC. CONCLUSION After completing this project, we understand that the Securities Commission (SC) plays a very important role in the Malaysian Capital Market. As SC’s mission statement – â€Å"to promote and maintain fair, efficient, secure and transparent securities and futures markets and to facilitate the orderly development of an innovative and competitive capital market†.SC role is to regulate the capital market and protecting the investors is their ultimate responsibility. SC is also obliged by statute to encourage and promote the development of the securities and futures markets in Malaysia. As a Malaysian we should feel proud on this association as SC really p ut their very great effort on the work toward our country’s capital market and result in a very huge improvement in our capital market. As a result, everyone could earn money by investing in a â€Å"healthy† capital market.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Article Example

Thomas Sowell said, â€Å"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In this paper the author will define economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, the law of supply and demand and will identify the factors that lead to a change in supply and demand. The author will also analyze the basis for the trends in consumption patterns as discussed in the article â€Å"Alcoholic Beverage Consumption in the U. S. : Patterns and Trends.Economics Defined According to our text, â€Å"Economics is the study of how human beings coordinate their wants and desires, given the decision-making mechanisms, social customs, and political realities of the society (Colander, 2008). Economics can be simply defined as the study of production, allocation and consumption of goods and services. There are generally three central problems that an economy must solve, they are: what, and how much to produce, how to produce it, and fo r whom to produce it.This paper will discuss microeconomics, the law of supply and demand, and the factors that lead to a change in supply and demand. Micro and Macroeconomics Economics is important and used in all facets of life. There are many issues across the world that are based on economic aspects, especially when making decisions that involve profit sharing, income allocation, minimizing unemployment, and price gauging.Some businesses will use economics to drive prices and determining on purchases or investments. Microeconomics is â€Å"The study of individual choice, and how that choice is influenced by economic forces† or also known as the invisible hand theory. Decisions that are based on microeconomics are typically motivated by costs; those costs can be of financial costs which include average fixed or total variable. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a†¦

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The book Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The book Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson - Essay Example However, the outcome is never attractive for either them, or the civilians who fall victims. Whenever there is war in a country and there are battles between the state soldiers and the rebels, the people who suffer most will be the civilians (Johnson 80). There are many reasons for such results. For example; some soldiers end up going against their respectful duties. Civilians fully depend on their soldiers to protect and fight for them, but in some cases, it is not quiet clear why the very soldiers end up turning against the helpless civilians. In this book the Tree of Smoke, as the American soldiers set out for the famous Vietnam War. Many people suffer the consequences and instead of solving the problem, the wars ends up affecting the same victims of the war (Johnson 300). This is seen when women are rapes, and other civilians short to death. Soldiers in the wars are meant to attack the enemy and not the victim. But in this case, soldiers are seen to change course and turn on thei r dependents. The relationship between the soldiers and the civilian is expected to be a fair one as the civilians safety only depends on the soldiers. This relationship in Tree of Smoke does not last when soldiers turn against their dependants and perform actions of violence against them including rape (Johnson 250). This picture gives a very negative view towards the soldiers, and it leaves a person wondering what kind of world we live in. In as much as soldiers like in this situation may be get frustrated, it is still not acceptable the way the can behave (Johnson p.250). The behaviors are truly pathetic and unacceptable. It is even sadder when such incidences occur and yet nothing is done about them. The relationship between them and the victimized civilians is ruined completely. This situations doubles the victimization of the civilians as they are fall both victims of war and their supposedly saviors. We all know that the soldiers in war are human (Johnson 179); they may end u p using such stuff like drugs and alcohol. Consequently, most of the time this would make them change their attitude to that of â€Å"who cares† when their minds are set in that manner. Those who depend on their protections become very vulnerable to them. Sometimes there are cases where soldiers break in people houses harassing them severely and looting their property, or misusing them. It is not clear to me what causes this kind of behavior in this people. I presume that as soldiers they have the capability to use the authority, they have to punish civilians under their mercy. The soldiers in Vietnam War are also seen in the story to portray misconduct when they still the puppies from the Vietnamese homes and smuggled them to their homes. This is harassment towards the same civilians who innocently depend on them (Johnson 220). The civilians have no power over the soldiers and they suffer so much lose in the hands. Soldiers were viewed to be merciless during the time when th ey raided houses of the victims blowing them using the grenades. Many innocent civilians died in the process, with so much confusion being experienced by the Vietnamese (Johnson 234). The confusion arose because the victimized civilians had no idea who was on their side because they were being attacked from all sides. In the Long run, this book does not really show a positive effect from the war, as those people who expected to benefit from it suffered even worse situations. The story clearly states the evil

Friday, September 27, 2019

New Methods of Human Communication and their Importance Essay

New Methods of Human Communication and their Importance - Essay Example Today, communication to a great extent occurs through technological means. The existence of the mobile phone and social networking websites has made the world smaller and communications easier. However, the question remains as to whether there has actually been an increase in the amount that people talk to each other because of such inventions. Has communication between people increased as a result of the improvement in systems of communications? On the other hand, one also needs to look into the question as to whether the modern methods of communication that are present today have actually improved communication between people or whether the whole affair is a misconception or a mirage. This paper shall look into these questions and attempt to facilitate a discussion of the matter. With the introduction of the telephone, it became possible for people to communicate events and activities over long distances. Due to high costs and limited availability, the use of the telephone was limi ted during its initial stages but later, its use became widespread. The use of the letter reduced and there were many feelings and emotions that were left uncommunicated as a result. The written word could carry a lot of nuances in passages that a conversation on the telephone could not. Letters were written with deliberation and time was consumed during the composition of letters, unlike the conversations that are heard on telephones. The lack of speed in the delivery of letters had its own charm that the telephone could not replicate. There are often representations of people who are unable to communicate over the telephone in popular culture that indicate that the speed of communication in some cases kills the thought that goes behind communication. It is with the introduction of newer methods of communication all over the world that theories regarding the inadequacy of language and methods of communication came to be proposed by many thinkers. While this may seem like a paradox, proximity between the communicants can lead to an alienation between them. On the other hand, conversations on the telephone and especially on the mobile phone have a certain spontaneity associated with them that is natural to the manner in which it is used. While it may obviously not have the polish of a conversation carried on through letters, one is allowed to scream and lisp over the phone in a manner that is quite unimaginable in a conversation of letters. It also enables people to know where the other is, immediately, if one has made a plan to go to a certain place with other people. The opportunity to vent one’s anger is infinitely more effectively employable over a phone conversation that any other means of communication. Thus, one can see that with the invention of newer methods of communication, there are newer forms of information that are created and newer content that is modified so as to be placed in the framework of the new forms. Thus, it is not as if people do not communicate more, but both the forms and the content of communication has changed in the world of today. This is owing to the proliferation of newer methods of communication, the mobile phone being one of them. In many situations,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Necessity of Supply Chain Management Research Paper

Necessity of Supply Chain Management - Research Paper Example The present research has identified that in a round of the activities involved, supply chain management deals with the purchasing and storage of the various raw materials that are necessary for production of the product, the inventory involved within the manufacturing stage (creation of the product) and the handling of the final product up to its point of consumption. It ensures that no snag in terms of the materials involved in any of these stages is come across acting as a hindrance to the provision of the final product to the consumer. The necessity for supply chain management can be seen through the various responsibilities that are seen in this activity. Business has grown and developed over the years and has expanded from the simple buying and selling into a series of activities and responsibilities required to ascertain  the smooth operations of such a setup. One of these responsibilities is supply chain management, and this aspect of the business has become an integral frac tion of the business activities that take place in a company. Supply chain management can be termed as the running of all businesses that happen to be interconnected with one another in relation to their involvement in the provision of a product or a service that is required in the creation of the final end product that is required by a consumer. This means that it deals with all the various parties that are involved in the different steps that are needed in the production of a good or a service so as to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Social problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Social problems - Essay Example Unlike tobaccos and cigarettes, there are no warnings placed on advertisements and containers of alcohol beverages. The reason behind this tolerance and encouragement of the government is that they earn huge revenues from taxes from the sale of these products. The government for one does not encourage the use of illicit drugs because they do not earn anything from the sale of these drugs unlike with the sale of alcohol and tobacco. In April 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that almost six million people die from tobacco use and 2.5 million from harmful use of alcohol each year worldwide (Join Together Staff, 2011). The report goes on further to state that tobacco is predicted to be the cause of death of 7.5 million people worldwide by 2020, accounting for 10 percent of all deaths, while alcohol-related deaths accounts for 3.8 percent of all deaths worldwide. These figures show that alcohol and tobacco use is as dangerous as using illicit drugs. However, this is not the belief of a lot of people. One reason why many people view the use of tobacco and alcohol differently from the use of illicit drugs is that they believe that if done in moderation, the use of alcohol or to some extent tobacco cannot be harmful to one’s health. Unlike with the use of illicit drugs, there is the perception that even if consumed in moderation, it still adversely affects one’s health. For some people they believe that there is no such thing as a â€Å"moderate use† of an illicit drug. There are some parents who tolerate their teen children’s consumption of alcohol especially during special occasions or family celebrations. This gives the idea to these youths that drinking is acceptable; thus, when they are out with their friends, drinking becomes part of their lives. Parents then give the notion that alcohol is good while illicit drugs are not. The difference in the views of people about the use of alcohol

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

US Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

US Role - Essay Example When that was rejected, other presidents tried using diplomacy to settle the conflict like presidents W. Bush’s administration in the 1990s during the gulf war. The diplomacy path has enabled the United States gain confidence of the Arab nations and this facilitated the second camp David peace agreement that was also rejected. In the wake of September 11 terrorist attacks, the Bush administration started siding more with the Israeli because the Arab countries could not be trusted anymore. It also led to declaration of war on the terrorist groups which reside in the middle east and this put to an abrupt stop the peace talks and the mediation role of the United States. Even though this took place and is still taking place, the Obama administration has once again embarked on the peace talks for the sake of the energy products in the middle east. President Obama has constantly been advocating for peace in those Arab countries that are in conflict and once again has gained the trust of the Arab countries and the results of the peace talks are yet to be seen (Simon 2009). United States government has its reasons for seeking peace in the Arab countries. The Middle East is endowed with oil that is an essential commodity in the world and also has other minerals that are interest to the American government. The mediation by the US is a faà §ade so that their reputation as the superpowers and being more in control of the world than the Soviet Union is not questioned or even threatened (Mahler and Mahler 2010). In reality, war in the Arab countries benefits the United States by them pretending to side with no one and hence gaining the support of all the fighting parties and thus continuing to gain the oil and minerals without struggle. If the conflict between the Arab and Israeli ends without the face and hands of US being seen in the peace talks and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Proposal argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Proposal argument - Essay Example The purpose of this proposal argument is to evaluate the reasons as to why the physical punishments are not the best ways of handling the problems. This proposal argument explains that something could be missing in our attempt to come up with an upright generation. In addition, it is the missing element that this article sheds light on. Children whose parents use amicable mechanisms of discipline possess extraordinary social skills. Parents should avoid using physical punishment because it increases violent behavior among the youth (Sumner, 132). This paper seeks to explain why use of physical punishment increases violent behavior among the youth. A Deeper Perspective to the Problem A correct support measures put in place are the sources of successful behavior change. The current generation may be carried away by events and this is proved by the fact that most of them often get into trouble due to their uncalled for behavior. A survey carried out by the body charged with monitoring f uture generation established that most of the mistakes carried out by the youths are due to their characters. To be specific 97% of the cases reported are due to the behavior. This is clear proof that bad behavior is fast becoming a problem. The big question is whether are we going to watch the youths fall or are we going to be the straw they clutch on. The fact that these perverse actions always soil their reputations in that they put question marks on their records is another reason as to why we should be on the lookout just to help out a brother who is off track (Gershoff, 539). Current Measures Most of the parents have resorted to physical punishment as the corrective method in their attempts to curb bad behavior. Those kinds of parents beat their children; force them to do things that they are not well conversant with and shout at them with the intention of amending and making the youths reformed. They do not know that more often than not, they are wrecking the child based on m aking things right. Physical punishments have been a major cause of injuries in children some of which have resulted into the physical impairments of the children. What is more worrying is that physical punishments have even led to cases of child deaths. Studies carried out to evaluate the extent at which physical punishments have spread in various regions, found that the habit escalated over time. The actuality that physical punishment is practiced throughout all the regions is clear proof that it is growing into a complication and does not benefit the child in any way. Similarly, it is important to observe that any form of physical punishment however soft it may be may intensify and become worse (Burton, 1447). Physical punishment is unsatisfactory because it increases the extent of aggression among children. It is proven beyond doubt that children, who are exposed to lots of physical punishments, are more likely to be characterized by aggressive behavior towards their coequals. I n like manner, the children may employ the brutal mechanisms in working out their problems and at the same time, they can be inconsiderate towards their own parents. What raises the level of concern higher is the fact that this children may end up being violent in future, thereby being insolent and impolite towards

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Change of sign method Essay Example for Free

Change of sign method Essay I use the same method to keep doing decimal research. to work out a more accurate answer. Take increments in size 0. 1 within the interval [1. 5,1. 6] From the above we can see that must lie between [1. 52,1. 53]. It can be very clear if I use graph. I will do a better research this time by using the same method to prove my result is correct. Now I can find a more accurate result from the research which lies between [1. 521,. 1522]. Here is a graph to prove the interval is right. However, I will take 4 decimal places to improve the accuracy of the interval. Also I will use the same method again. As we can see the root is between [1. 5213,1. 5214] Same again. Autograph is used to prove my solution is right. Error bounds This is the process which check how the accuracy of the roots are. From those 4 decimal search I have done so far, I can say that the answer is between 1. 5213 and 1. 5214. These can be improved the accuracy. Assume X=1. 5213 f(x)=(1. 5213)^3-1. 5213-2=-0. 00047 X=1. 5214 f(x)=(1. 5214)^3-1. 5214-2=0. 000121 Because the answer is -0. 0004700. 000121. So the answer must between 1. 5213 and 1.5214. However , these are not the exact answer so I have to estimate them. In this case, X=1. 5213. 5, so the error bound is . Because this is the middle point between the interval. Fail example by using Exel It is not guaranteed to use this method, because there still has some problems in it. See the graph below: As we can see the curve touches the x axis. The root lies between 0 and 1. I am going to use Exel program to prove it. There is no change of sign of this equation. So we can say that the change of sign method is failed. Newton-Raphson method This is another fixed point estimation method, and as for the previous method it is necessary to use an estimate of the root as a starting point. The process can be repeated to give a sequence of points x2, x3 I am going to use the following equation. As we can see there are 2 roots in this function. The first root lies close to +1. But I will estimate the first root is x1 = +2. I will show it in graphical as +2 is a starting point. There is a technical way to do Newton-Raphson method by using Autograph. I will do it step by step with showing the graph. I click the curve then right click it and chook the Newton Raphson Iteration option. I have entered the value that I estimated, then press the right side button. The solutions appear automatically. The answer that I got is 1. 27202. Error bound Because my solution is 5. bp. So the answer will be x=1. 27202 The numbers that I squared shows how close to the real answer. So we can say there are some error in it. I am going to try another root of the equation. I have estimated the x1 = -2. As I can see from the graph, -1. 27202 is the best answer I can get. Then I will check whether the solutions are correct.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Human digestion Essay Example for Free

Human digestion Essay The salivary glands are the first to react in the digestive process, which are usually triggered by either the sight or the smell of food. Food enters the digestive tract through the mouth where the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands help moisten and break down the food within minutes. The food then becomes something called a bolus, which will travel through the pharynx, then through the esophagus, and into the stomach. As the food travels through the pharynx the epiglottis is in place to prevent food from entering the lungs. Once the bolus enters the stomach it is broken down with acid secretions. The food is partially digested within the stomach. The bolus then becomes chyme (a semiliquid food). Chyme usually leaves the stomach during a time frame of 2-6 hours. The small intestine is where most of the digestion and nutrient absorption takes place with the help of secretions from the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The small intestine consists of three parts: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. Anything that is not absorbed in the small intestine then enters the large intestine travelling through the sphincter. The sphincter prevents any of the remaining food from re-entering the small intestine. The large intestine is made up of two major parts: the colon and the rectum. The colon aids in the absorption of leftover water, vitamins, or minerals. Anything left over after this process is considered waste product (feces) and is then excreted from the body via the anus, which is attached to the colon. Reference Human Digestion Activity. Retrieved August 21, 2009 from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Influencing Factors Of Foreign Tourism To Japan Cultural Studies Essay

Influencing Factors Of Foreign Tourism To Japan Cultural Studies Essay Over the last few decades, the international travel market has grown tremendously. According to the World Tourism Organization, number of international travelers reached a record of 842 million in 2006 and 898 million in 2007. The growth rate in 2007 reached 6%, which is 1.5% higher than the value of 2006. The strongest growth occurred in Africa; however, Asia Pacific region also had a great increase number of international travelers. In 2007 alone, 185 million people visited Asia. (Choi, Lee 1) International travel has become very accessible to many people because of technical advancement in transportation. For instance, it only takes about thirteen hours to get from JFK Airport in New York, United States to Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan. Japan Airline provides travel back and forth ticket at a price of $964.33. ( Before the advancement in technology, any international trip took longer time and was more expensive. However, the technical development in transportation system is effectively triggering and stimulating more people to travel internationally. Large numbers of people are now interested in Asia. (Choi, Lee 1) The number of international travelers is increasing every year. What are some convincible factors that trigger people to come to Asia? Because of its diverse cultural activities, Japan is one factor that influences people to travel to Asia. Japan is an island located in the East Asia, surrounded by North Korea and South Korea. It is a small island but has potential to captivate tourist from all over the world. Before moving ahead, it is important to define terms that will be continuously discussed in this paper. What is the definition of travel? Merriam Webster Online Dictionary defines travel as To move or undergo transmission one place to another. ( This indicates that travel is a peoples movement between relatively distant geographical location for any purpose and any duration, with or without any means of transportation. Travel also covers all the activities performed during a movement. It is a broader concept of trip. Travel can be local, regional, domestic or international. Then, who is considered a tourist? In the United States, the National Tourism Resources Review Commission (1973) defined tourist as one who travels away from home for a distance of at least 50 miles (one way) for business, pleasure, personal affairs, or any other purpose except to commute to work, whether he or she stays overnight or returns the same day. (Masberg, 67) Then why are international tourists interested in traveling to Japan? What is unique about Japan? First, knowing concise background of Japan would help to find the answers to these questions. Brief Description of Japan Japan is an island nation in East Asia, located in the Pacific Ocean. It is surrounded by the east of the Sea of Japan (also called East Sea), People of Republic of China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia and stretches from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. Japan is composed of over 3,000 islands, making it an archipelago. The four largest islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku. These four main islands together accounts for 97% of Japans land area. It has sufficient rainfall for agriculture on the main islands, with no dry season. Hokkaido and northern Honshu have cold winters with good ski resorts but limited agriculture. In contrast, the two thirds of southern Honshu and the Shikoku Island and Kyushu have humid subtropical climates. Most of the islands are mountainous, many volcanic; for example, Japans highest peak, Mount Fuji, is a volcano. Japan has the worlds tenth largest population, with about 128 million people. The capital of Japan is Tokyo, located in Honshu. The government is a Parliamentary democracy. The size of Japan is about 145,856 square miles (slightly smaller than California) and Japan is homogeneous (0.6% Korean) with one language. Buddhism and Shinto are the major religions and only about 0.8% of the population is Christian. The currency of Japan is the Yen. Entering Japan is relatively easy because it is part of the visa waiver program, which means that a visa is not required for visits less than 90 days. Shopping is a main attraction in Japan; common items include Japanese handicrafts and art objects, jewelry, silks, furs, and pottery pieces. Japan has not historically looked to tourism as a major foreign income earner as it had such a huge trade surplus in the 1980s. However, from the 1990s, the government started to take an active role in promoting inbound tourism. The government is both involved in domestic and international tourism. It promotes and provides information about tourism in Japan and establishes a number of programs and offices to develop a broad variety of tourism attractions in Japan while maintaining quality of its natural environment setting. Japan also established a government organization, JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization). JNYO is a non-profit organization established by a government, and it provides free multilingual information on travel in Japan. The most visited places by visitors are the following: Sapporo, Tohoku, Tokyo and its surrounding area, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku, Island of Kyushu, and Okinawa Island. Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido, hosted the 1972 winter Olympics, and it annually has a festival called the Snow Festival. It is a festival where people present gigantic snow images by famous artists. Secondly, Tohoku is located in the northeastern section of the main island of Honshu and is very famous for its hot springs. Tokyo and the surrounding areas are located in Honshu, where visitors can observe the unique blend of the East and West culture. Another most visited location is Chubu, which is the center of the main island, Honshu. The Japanese Alps are located in Chufu, and the Japanese Alps consist of beautiful scenery. Kansai, another metropolitan area in Japan besides Tokyo, also has many important temples (historical attractions) and interesting cultural festivals. Chugoku, the western end of the island of Hon shu, is known for its beautiful beaches. Many water activities are played here. The Island of Kyushu has a subtropical climate and operates 6 national parks that attract visitors. Lastly, the Island of Okinawa is a tropical island with the wealth of national beauty, such as the sunny skies and the subtropical plants. As one can see from above, Japan has a variety of attractions. It has been and will be the center of the Asian tourism market. As the center of the Asian tourism market, Japan has exclusive aspects that other Asian countries do not contain. Japan has preserved those cultural factors well enough to encourage foreigner to learn about it. Different aspects of Japan have made it possible for influencing numerous tourists to travel to Japan. Now, this essay will focus on each aspect that influences foreign tourists to travel to Japan. Those aspects include food/cuisine, Japanese traditional lodging, sports, and business. Food of Japan Japanese food is well known to the other parts of the world. Many foreigners are familiar with sushi and ramen, which are the major representation of Japanese food. Nevertheless, there are other types of Japanese cuisine that are still unknown to the foreigners yet can strongly fascinate the foreign travelers to Japan. Japanese cuisine that will be focused on this paper is Sushi, Sukiyaki and Nabemono, Tempura, Tofu and Natto, Menrui, Mochi, Tsukemono, and Ocha. Japanese cuisine is a piece of an art work. Aesthetic display of the food is considered very crucial while serving the food to the guests. Learning the context of the cuisine is one side factors that tourists can enjoy while eating the food: how the food fits into Japanese life, what its history has contributed, how it is properly chosen and consumed, and others. Japan remains one of the countries where food represents lineage, going back to history. Thus, an understating of Japanese cuisine helps one to understand the Japanese thoughts. (Donald 12) Sushi Sushi, as one of Japans most representative food, is fairly known to people. Most large cities around the world have sushi shops. Craig Claiborne defines sushi as an assortment of small morsels of freshest raw fish and seafood presents into cold rice lightly seasoned with vinegar. (Donald, 14) This definition perfectly correct; however, there are more factors to it. Sushi is a delight to the eye, a revelation to the tongue, and an engrossing culinary happening that those who have partaken will not soon forget. (Donald, 14) When one walks into a sushi shop in Japan, the master and the waiters loudly shouts Irasshaimase! This is a phrase to welcome the guests who enter the restaurant. There is usually a long counter of white cypress. Behind the counter, there are glass-cased, ice cooled array of fish fillets and shellfish, all fresh, sometimes alive. Before the main sushi dish, a waiter serves a cup of hot green tea, a small dish for soy sauce, Oshibori (hand towel), miso soup, and picked gingers to refresh ones mouth between bites. Most popular sushi menus are maguro (tuna), toro (the marbled underside of the tuna), chu-toro (a half marbled side section of the tuna), uni (sea urchin roe), ebi (shrimp, boiled or alive), tao (sea bream), ika (squid), akagai (aki shell), hamachi (young yellowtail), tako (octopus), ikura (salmon roe), anago (conger eel), awabi (abalone). The master also creates special menus that change as seasonal fish and shellfish changes. Upon hearing an order, the sushi master starts his performance. He cuts and slices the fish and shellfish delicately. Then, he scoops a double fingerful of rice, and add bits of washabi (horseradish) and quickly forms an oblong ball, firmly capped by the seafood. This is the most popularly known regional type of sushi, Nigiri sushi. Nigiri sushi originated from Edo (Tokyo) in the nineteenth century. Because of the fast speed, it is called the worlds first fast food. Sukiyaki Ronald Barthes describes Sukiyaki as a stew whose every element can be known and recognized, since it is made in front of you, on your table, without interruption while you are eating ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It is the very essence of the market that comes to you, its freshness, its naturalness, its diversity, and even its classification, which turns the simple substance into the promise of an event. (Ronald 21) Sukiyaki is classified as a nabemono, which means food is cooked usually at the table in a single pot or pan, and is thought of as being a winter meal. There are few different ways to cook sukiyaki: Kansai (Osaka-Kyoto) area way, Kanto (Tokyo-Yokohama) area way, Nagasaki way, and others. The most well known sukiyaki is from Kansai area. In the Kansai area, a lump of beef suet is melted in the shallow iron pan over medium heat. Then very thin slice of beef are place in the bottom of the pan. After the beef color changed to brown, one put other ingredients such as tofu, mushroom, onion, and konnaku (Japanese style jelly). The liquid is then poured into the pan. The liquid is consists of soy sauce, water, little bit of sugar, and sweet sake. Knowing the right time to pour the liquid is the key to make a delicious sukiyaki. Meanwhile, one should break raw eggs into a bowl, and add little bit of soy sauce. This becomes the sauce for meat and vegetables in the sukiyaki. Meat and vegetables are dipped into this sauce right before eating. Sukiyaki gets delicious as the cooking progresses, because the juice from the beef and vegetables makes the taste fascinating. In Kanto area, the liquid is poured first, and the meat and vegetables are added to the heated liquid. This way of cooking makes Sukiyaki more like a stew that foreigners are more familiar with. In Nagasaki, the meat is grounded. This slight adjustment of meat distinctively changes the taste of the dish. Sukiyaki has been eaten since 1860, when the country was open to foreigners and the new Maiji emperor began his reign. Before, eating meat was prohibited in Japan, because the Japanese believed in Buddhism. However, Emperor Maiji changed the law and made beef and other meat available for Japanese citizens. Gradually, Japanese citizens enjoyed eating meat, and sukiyaki is one Japanese style cuisine that developed from this era. As people enjoyed eating meat, there was a famous aphorism, which said A man who does not eat beef is an uncivilized man. (Donald 25) Tempura Tempura is delicately deep-fried seafood and vegetables, served hot and crisp, lacy golden on the outside, juicy and succulent on the inside. (Donald 26) Tempura is not a traditional Japanese food. It was introduced by Portuguese when missionaries and merchants from Portugal actively visited Japan around sixteenth century. Common types of tempura that one can get in Japan are Kuruma ebi (prawn), shiba ebi (shrimp), ika (squid), kaibashira (scallop), anago (conger eel), kisu (a small fish known as sillago), haze (goby), ginpo (gunnel), megochi (flathead). Tempura should be made just before eating it. Besides being strict about the freshness of what goes inside of tempura (such as shrimp, and squid), the Japanese are picky about the batter, also known as koromo in Japanese. Koromo literary means clothes in Japanese. It should be lumpy and be filled with air bubbles so that the texture of tempura becomes lighter. Also, the coating should be thin rather than thick. Besides the crunchiness, Japanese wants to enjoy the natural taste of the material that is inside of the batter. Therefore, the batter should be practically see-through. Tofu and Natto Tofu is also well known to international community. It came from China very long time ago and became another food that represents Japanese cuisine. Tofu is one of the most protean foods. It can be boiled, broiled, baked, fried, steamed, marinated, dried, frozen, and eaten fresh. Interesting thing is that each method changes the taste of tofu completely. Baked tofu and boiled tofu tastes extremely differently. Kyoto is best known for a good tofu. Recently, there are restaurants opening up that only serve tofu. It is one food that is loved by vegetarian travelers to Japan. Natto might be unfamiliar to international travelers. It is made out of soybean, just like tofu. Natto is fermented soybeans which is rotten stinking slimly soybeans. It is somewhat similar to a ripe cheese. Natto is served in a small lump and should first be stirred with chopsticks to make it stickier. Then, raw eggs, sliced and chopped onions, soy sauce is mixed together with natto. This mixture is then eaten with hot rice. Even if the smell of natto is strong, it is still a typical breakfast menu in Japan. It is very healthy and diet helping cuisine. Menrui Menrui in Japanese means noodle types. This indicates that menrui includes all the types of noodle cuisine that is available in Japan. There are a great variety of shapes and sizes of noodle. The two most popular types of noodles are the wheat-based noodles which are associated with Osaka and the south of Japan, and buckwheat-based noodles associated with Tokyo and the north of Japan. (Donald 54) Wheat-based noodles come in a variety of shapes, but the best know type is called udon. Udon is somewhat flat and wide. Somen is another type of what-based noodle that is more slender and a bit of vegetarian oil is used in the preparation. Buckwheat-based is called soba, and it comes with a single variety: long, thin, brown in color. There are some variations of soba. People used green tea to make soba. Therefore, the color of the noodle becomes green, instead of brown. Soba and Udon can be served both hot and cold. For a hot noodle dish, a noodle is first boiled in water, then scooped out and place in a bowl. After that, toppings and other ingredients are added. Finally, broth is poured. There are great varieties for soup and toppings. For a cold dish, boiled noodle is rinsed with hold water, and served on draining screened plate that is made out of bamboo. The noodles are decorated with little bit of dried laver, and dipped into soy sauce then quickly removed from the sauce. Another major menrui is ramen. This is also originated from China; however, Japanese changed the food into its own style and taste. Now, each region of Japan developed their own style of ramen, and there are tours within Japan to go around each region and taste the different ramen. Many distinctive local version of ramen were established as the shops in each region concentrated on the varieties of soup seasonings and toppings appreciated by local people. (Naomichi, 252) Among the best known is Sapporo ramen, from Hokkaido, which features heavy noodles, a rich thick broth seasoned with miso instead of the more common soy sauce, and locally produced toppings of butter and maize. Mochi Mochi is made out of a one type of rice, mocha-gome, and it is regarded as a unique and special food. Freshly pounded mochi is very soft and easy to eat, but it quickly gets hard and must be grilled or reheated to become edible. It is eaten during the most important ritual ceremony, the New Year. On a New Years Day, a plain white mochi is toasted and served with soy sauce. A white mochi can also be put either in a soup or as is or is eaten along with the other ingredients of this festive soup. This soup is called ozoni. Mochi can be served as a dessert as well. Mochi stuffed with sweet red bean paste is called daifuku. This can be seen as the traditional Japanese dessert that was eaten with green tea. Tsukemono Tsukemono means preserved food in Japanese. Preserved food is an important part of most dietary tradition in Japan. It is pickled food, which means that the food is stored away with a quantity of salt and transformed into sour salty products that will keep for a long time. There are several type of method to pickle vegetables and fish. Kyoto is famous for its variety of traditional tsukemono. Ocha/Tea After the meal is done, the national beverage, ocha is served. Although green tea is usually associated with Japan, there are many types of teas available in Japan. Houjicha and genmaicha are two common teas that the tastes are slightly bitter. The color of those tea is rather brown than green, and it is the most affordable tea that is available in Japan. Sencha is one rank upper than houjicha and genmaicha. The leaves used in Sencha have been picked with greater care and there are no stems. The finest tea is called gyokuro. The oldest and finest bushes of leaves were used to make this tea. As one can see, Japan has a very diverse food culture. Sushi and Japanese noodles are well known cuisine that portrays the food culture of Japan. However, there is more variety of Japanese food that delivers the thoughts of Japanese. As foreign tourists find more about those cuisines, the number of tourists will continuously increase. Lodging of Japan Japan has the privilege of possessing two types of lodging: Japanese inns and western hotels. Japanese inn is called ryokan (ryo-journey, kan-mansion) in Japanese. Ryokans historical origins are strongly rooted in Japanese society, and ryokan resisted the introduction of Western forms of lodging. (Anguis, Moon 76) One can find enormous amount of information about these two types of lodging in Japan by just searching on the internet. Generally speaking, hotels show less variety, with only few categories such as resorts hotel, de luxe hotels, and so on. On the other hand, any travel magazine published for Japanese travel shows an amazing number of extremely specialized categories of ryokan, such as spa ryokan, ryokan associated with Japanese famous writers, secret ryokan, very famous ryokan, wooden built ryokan, ryokan visited by Japanese emperor, ryokan for Japanese cuisine associated with the seasons, etc. (Anguis 76) Japanese categorized ryokan into a very specific sector, so that p eople can easily find ryokan that they are looking for. Compare to the Western hotel room size, the size of ryokans room is relatively small. Moreover, the western hotels construction and management is sustained by huge capital investments, whereas ryokan does not have large capital to fund their operation. How can ryokan still compete with the western hotels in Japan? Instead of being the part of shelter along the road, ryokan has become the purpose of the travel itself. (Anguis 77) Staying in a ryokan usually follows the same pattern. Guests usually check in between three and four oclock in the afternoon. Shoes are deposited in the entrance, and picked up when guests are leaving the ryokan. Upon the arrival at ryokan, guests are greeted by a kimonoclad maid and she leads to their rooms, where she serves tea and sweets, while explaining the schedule of their stays. Visitors are encouraged to change their everyday clothes and dress on the cotton kimono, yukata. They can have an early bath time in either inside or outside baths. While the guests are away, the room is prepared for dinner. After the dinner, second bath might be encouraged while cleaning after dinner and futon spread on the tatami. (Cogswell 40) Each room is covered with tatami, straw mats. The main room has a little shrine, similar to an altar that is raised slightly from the floor at the one side of the room. Doors in ryokan are usually slide doors. Doors are made out of paper and framed in woodwork, and they are used to break up the space. Japanese architecture and design are clean and simple. Japanese buildings tend to harmoniously blend with the natural environment. Ryokan originated during Nara period (710-784). For much of the 20th century, it was just any Japanese inn that people had stayed. People somewhat had negative ideas about it since there were no privacy. For instance, the bath was communal. During steamy summers, everyone slept with their doors and windows wide open to the breeze. From the competition with the Western style hotel, the number of ryokan declined from 80 thousand in 1988 to fewer than 60 thousand in 2005. (Brown, 128) Recently however, the ryokan is trying to change the perception of people towards ryokan. For instance a group of thirty ryokan have formed The ryokan Collection to market themselves as boutique inns, with designer flourishes, architectural details and cultural authenticity. (Brown, 129) The ryokan of Kyoto, a former imperial city and a popular tourist destination, are among the first to have instituted modernizing touches-and with much flair and frills. English-speaking staff and Western-style breakfasts are now available even at the citys legendary Hiiragiya and Tawaraya ryokan-both centuries old and famed for their refined aesthetics, attention to detail, and guest lists that have included royalty and Hollywood stars. Sports in Japan (Sports Tourism) Baseball in Japan Baseball was first introduced by Horace Wilson, who was an American expatriate educator, in 1872. Since then, baseball has grown as the major sports played by Japanese. Baseball is called Yakyu ¼Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã… ½Ãƒ §Ã‚ Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° in Japanese. It combines Chinese character for field (à ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã… ½ ya)and ball(à §Ã‚ Ã†â€™ kyu). The major event that attracted the foreigner to focus ones attention on Japanese baseball was World Baseball Classic. Japan won the championship in both 2006 and 2009. This attracted peoples attention towards Japanese style baseball. Now, tourists are willing to tour the Japanese professional baseball league and baseball arena for the professional baseball teams became the major attraction destination. Japanese professional baseball has two leagues, just like professional baseball in United States. One is called Central League, and other one is called Pacific League. Each league has six teams. The professional baseball season is eight months long and it begins on April, and a Championship is held on October. Teams play 144 games in total. Teams that are included in Central leagues are: Yomiuri Giants (Tokyo), Tokyo Yakult Swallows (Tokyo), Yokohama BayStars (Yokohama), Chunichi Dragons (Nagoya), Hanshin Tigers (Osaka), Hiroshima Toyo Carp (Hiroshima). Teams that are included in Pacific leagues are Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters (Sapporo), Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles (Sendai), Saitama Seibu Lions (Saitama), Chiba Lotte Marines (Chiba), Orix Buffaloes (Osaka), Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks (Fukuoka). The professional baseball teams representing major cities of Japan. For instance, Yomiuri Giant is a professional team that is located in Tokyo. It has a dorm called Tokyo Dome, which has 45,000 seats. The average viewers of each game are 40,755. Foreign tourists are now visiting these domes of professional baseball teams, and experiencing the Japanese baseball game. Sumo in Japan Sumo wrestling is a competitive contact sport where a wrestler, also known as a rikishi, attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring or dohyo. The sumo wrestler also attempts to force the other to touch the ground with another body part other than the soles of the feet. Originating in Japan, it is the only country where this sport is practiced professionally. The tradition of Sumo is very antiquated. It still includes many ritual events, such as the use of salt to purify the dohyo, from the Shinto Religion. Rikishi follows the rule laid down by the Sumo Association, and professional sumo players are directed to live in sumo training stables, known as heya in Japanese. There are six Grand Sumo tournaments, also called honbasho, each year. Three of the tournaments take place at Tokyo in January, May, and September. The place where those three tournaments are held is called the Sumo Hall, Ryogoku Kokugikan in Japanese, and this place has become one of the major attraction places for people to visit in Tokyo. Another tournament is held at Osaka in March. Fifth one is held at Nagoya in July, and the last one takes place at Fukuoka in November. Each tournament begins on a Sunday and lasts for fifteen days. There are two teams in a professional sumo tournament. Each top wrestler, also referred as yokozuna, in the two divisions has one match per day, and other lower leveled wrestlers have one game every two days. The schedule is constructed in a way that the highest ranked wrestlers compete at the very end of the day. The top wrestlers match usually begins at six oclock in the evening. At the end of the fifteenth day, the wrestler who wins the most matche s wins the tournament championship. If there are ties in the score, those two wrestlers compete with each other and the winner of that game takes the championship. Since sumo is only professionally played in Japan, foreign travelers are eager to watch the game while they are visiting Japan. Japanese Festivals Festivals are called matsuri in Japan. A most eloquent form of worship, Japanese festivals are intimate, joyous encounters with the divine. (Vilhar, Anderson, 5) The image of modern Japan tends to minimize the significance of these ancient religious practices. Yet, matsuri has have been continuously provided people with a strong spiritual identity as Japanese. Although Japanese no longer perceive matsuri as a ritual ceremony, it still lays heavy emphasis on the Shinto religion originated from Japan. The act of worship culminated in the celebration of matsuri. Derived from the verb matsuru (to worship), matsuri serves as a means for the people to offer divine world their prayers, gifts, and joy. Matsuri is time for communication with their gods and ancestral spirits. Many of the matsuri is related to rice growing, the very foundation of Japanese culture. There are no certain set dates for matsuri. Dates vary from area to area. Almost every town has at least one matsuri in late summer or early autumn, usually related to the rice harvest season. During a matsuri, people go out in the streets for a memorable time. Almost every town in Japan prepares its own matsuri; however, the size of the festival varies from one town to another. Each year, approximately 100,000 people gather to attend some of the major matsuris. Major matsuris take place in large cities, such as Tokyo and Kyoto. Some people living in suburban or rural areas travel by airplane to go to the matsuris because they want to enjoy the once a year event. In contrast, some matsuris are really small, generally attracting only the local people. Indifferent of the size of the festival, one can learn about the culture and tradition of Japan through matsuris. First of all, most of the people coming to a matsuri wear Japanese traditional clothes, called Yukata. The word originates from Yukatabire, which means clothes that one wears after taking a shower. Therefore, they are made out of thin cotton. Since Japan gets very hot in the summer, people tend to were Yukata rather than other clothes. The color of the Yukata is another interesting factor that reflects Japanese culture. Women tend to wear bright colors, such as yellow, pink, and bright blue. Men tend to wear cool colors, such as grey and dark blue. These colors represent nature. Bright colors such as red and pink illustrate the flowers, and earthtone colors such as grey and dark blue represent the sky or earth. The Yukatas colors help create the very exciting and fascinating atmosphere of the Matsuri. It seems as if colorful lights are illuminating the dark summer streets of Japan. Food also makes the matsuri very interesting. All kinds of food can be found at the matsuri. There is Japanese style barbeque, ice cream, candy, Japanese style pizza, and numerous other dishes. One of the major matsuri foods is called yakisoba. The word literally means burned noodle. It is called burned since the noodle is placed on a hot steel plate, instead of being boiled with water. Cabbage, carrots, meat and special sauces are also put on the plate and mixed with noodles. Moreover, there is a lot of entertainment waiting at a matsuri. First of all, there is a game called catching the goldfish. A player is given a thin paper that has a plastic handle, which he/she uses to scoop goldfish from a small pool until the paper tears apart. This game is very difficult. However, catching the fish is no longer a goal of this game as people start playing. People cheer for the players as they watch, which provides a bonding experience with my friends and family. Japanese traditional music is played in Matsuri, and is another big part of matsuris entertainment. The special host plays Wadaiko, Japanese traditional drum, as the main instrument in the matsuri since it is the oldest instrument in Japan. Moreover, it is believed that the sound of drum motivates people. While the drums are played, many people sing the song that goes with the beat. Also, there is a dance that goes with the music. People enjoy the dance and claim to release their everyday stress through the dance. Last but not least, the fireworks are the highlight of the matsuri. In Japan, one counts the number of shots to describe the size of the fireworks. The number of the shots depends on the towns. Each shot had certain meanings. For example, there was one fireworks display that had the image of red leaves in fall. There is an urban legend. It is believed that a couple that sees the first firework in the matsuri will be able to stay together forever. However, it is important that they hold hands when they watch the fireworks. This mystical, yet adorable legend makes people want to participate even more in the matsuri. The matsuri is not just a fun event. The dress, food, games, and music of the Matsuri portrays the culture of Japan. The Matsuri has endured a long time and will continue to be celebrated by gener

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mark Antony :: essays research papers

Mark Antony is one of the most famous people of Roman history. He was one of the most superior generals and a crucial statesman in his time. A comrade and patron of Julius Caesar, Antony was an ideal military tactician and leader of the people. He was a man who started out for the people but eventually became hungry for power and empire expansion. Mark Antony was a military and political leader in Caesar's time who rose to the highest of Roman power but eventually lost everything due to his greed. Marcus Antonius was born in 83 BC, the son of a noble Roman family, related to the Roman leader Julius Caesar. His father died when he was young and soon after his mother remarried P.Lentulus. Lentulus found him self in trouble and was strangled by Cicero for his involvement in the Catiline Affair. This changed Antony’s early life severely and he promised one day he would meet up with Cicero and kill him. Mark Antony’s military career started when he was young. His first travels were to Syria where he was soon promoted to a Calvary Commander, and sent off to Judea and Egypt. Antony was later sent to Gaul where he served under Caesar. He was so superior to his peers that at the age of 22 he became Tribune of the People. Soon Antony became a quaestor with a reputation of being a speaker on behalf of Caesar’s interests while he was no there. It was during this period in Rome where Antony met Fulvia. Fulvia also had a hate for Cicero from her last marriage. They soon were married and Antony was making his way higher in the Roman world. In 49BC, he received the title of Augur (priest and soothsayer). It was during this same year that he vetoed the Senates attempt to take Caesar’s command. Antony left Rome and traveled to Gaul until things cooled down where he went back to watch over Caesar’s interests. Caesar soon became enemies against Pompey, Antony tried to defend Caesar and was kicked out of the senate. Antony soon fled with Caesar to get ready for battle. Antony commanded a wing of Caesar’s Legions at the battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC where Pompey was defeated. Following the battle in 44 BC, Antony became co-consul with Caesar. When Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March, 44 BC, Antony immediately took all of Caesar’s possessions including papers, residences, and other assets.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Taxing and E-Commerce Essay -- Internet Tax Sales Papers

Taxing and E-Commerce With the advent of the Internet, e-commerce exploded, and in 2003, the estimated value of online sales was 95.7 billion dollars (epaynews). It also is estimated that 30% of online users buy online (epaynews). As e-commerce and the revenues from e-commerce increase, so do the questions and problems concerning taxes. Because of the global nature of the World Wide Web, and more than 30,000 tax jurisdictions in the United States (US), (Internet Taxation) it is easy to see the complications that exist in the taxation of e-commerce. Who do you tax? How is it collected? Can taxes be collected from a sale that was made in another state, and what is considered a substantial â€Å"nexus† in the buyers state. Because 75% of the American population have access and use the Internet (Don’t Tax the Internet) this is an issue that affects the majority of Americans. According to an article published by the Citizens For a Sound Economy, â€Å"State and local access fees could add 20-25 % to the average Internet consumer’s bill †¦ that may not sound like much in Washington, but it could strand millions of low-income Americans on the wrong side of the digital divide† (Don’t tax the internet). Because taxation is an issue that affects most Americans, it is important to understand what types of taxes that there are and that could be levied, the past and current internet taxation policies, and finally the challenges and benefits of internet taxation. There are many different taxes that are being considered at this time, and that could be levied on the Internet and its users. The first type, which is being considered, affects all Internet users, as it is a tax on Internet access. In some states where this type of tax does exist it is ... ...d affect global consumers, I think that it is fair that the consumer be subject to the vendor’s country’s tax. I learned a lot from the research that I did. I learned that those in the government are considering Internet taxation, and whether we agree or disagree, it is important that we get involved. Otherwise, we may end up with an outcome that we disagree with. Work Cited Epaynews: Internet Taxation: Don’t Tax the Internet: Internet Taxation: Which side are you on?: E-Commerce and Internet Taxation: Issues, Organizations, and Findings:

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rawshans Bakery (RB) Essay

1.Executive Summary 1.1Introduction Rawshans Bakery(RB) is a start-up coffee and bakery retail establishment located in Azimpur Dhaka. RB expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with its broad variety of coffee and pastry products. The company plans to build a strong market position in the town, due to the partners’ industry experience and mild competitive climate in the area. 2.Description Of Business RB is incorporated in the City of Dhaka. It is equally owned and managed by its two partners. 2.1Products and Services RB offers a broad range of coffee and espresso products, all from high quality Columbian grown imported coffee beans. RB caters to all of its customers by providing each customer coffee and espresso products made to suit the customer, down to the smallest detail. The bakery provides freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all times during business operations. Six to eight moderate batches of bakery and pastry products are prepared during the day to assure fresh baked goods are always available. 2.2Mission RB aims to offer high quality coffee, espresso, and pastry products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle- to upper middle-income local market area residents. 2.3Keys to Success Keys to success for RB will include: 1. Providing the highest quality product with personal customer service. 2. Competitive pricing. 3.Production Plan RB offers a broad range of coffee and espresso products, all from high quality Columbian grown imported coffee beans. RB caters to all of its customers by providing each customer coffee and espresso products made to suit the customer, down to the smallest detail. The bakery provides freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all times during business operations. Six to eight moderate batches of bakery and pastry products are prepared during the day to assure fresh baked goods are always available. 4.Marketing Plan RB’s focus is on meeting the demand of a regular local resident customer base, as well as a significant level of tourist traffic from nearby highways. 4.1 Market Segmentation RB focuses on the middle- and upper middle-income markets. These market segments consume the majority of coffee and espresso products. Local Residents RB wants to establish a large regular customer base. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business. 4.2 Market Analysis The chart and table below outline the total market potential of the above described customer segments. 4.3 Target Market Segment Strategy The dominant target market for RB is a regular stream of local residents. Personal and expedient customer service at a competitive price is key to maintaining the local market share of this target market. 4.4 Market Needs Because Dhaka has a cool climate for 3 months out of the year, hot coffee products are very much in demand. During the remaining warmer 9 months of the year, iced coffee products are in significantly high demand, along with a slower but consistent demand for hot coffee products. Much of the day’s activity occurs in the morning hours before ten a.m., with a relatively steady flow for the remainder of the day. 4.5 Service Business Analysis The retail coffee industry in the Dhaka has recently experienced some growth. The hot climate in Dhaka stimulates consumption of cold beverages throughout the year. Coffee drinkers in Dhaka are finicky about the quality of beverages offered at the numerous coffee bars across the area. Despite low competition in the immediate area, RB will position itself as a place where customers can enjoy a cup of delicious coffee with a fresh pastry in a relaxing environment. 4.6 Competition and Buying Patterns Competition in the local area is somewhat sparse and does not provide nearly the level of product quality and customer service as RB. Local customers are looking for a high quality product in a relaxing atmosphere. They desire a  unique, classy experience. Leading competitors purchase and roast high quality, whole-bean coffees and, along with Italian-style espresso beverages, cold-blended beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, coffee-related accessories and equipment, and a line of premium teas, sell these items primarily through company-operated retail stores. In addition to sales through company-operated retail stores, leading competitors sell coffee and tea products through other channels of distribution (specialty operations). Larger chains vary their product mix depending upon the size of each store and its location. Larger stores carry a broad selection of whole bean coffees in various sizes and types of packaging, as well as an assortment of coffee- and espresso-making equipment and accessories such as coffee grinders, coffee makers, espresso machines, coffee filters, storage containers, travel tumblers and mugs. Smaller stores and kiosks typically sell a full line of coffee beverages, a more limited selection of whole-bean coffees, and a few accessories such as travel tumblers and logo mugs. 5.Technology plan Technologically we will make fresh coffee and coffee-related products conveniently available via mail order and online. Additionally, mail order catalogs offering coffees, certain food items, and select coffee-making equipment and accessories, have been made available by a few larger competitors. We will offer customers Websites offering online store that will allow them to browse for and purchase coffee, gifts, and other items via the Internet have become more commonplace as well. 6.Financial Plan RB expects to raise 50,000 of its own capital, and to borrow 50,000 guaranteed by the Bank Asia as a ten-year loan. This provides the bulk of the current financing required. 6.1 Break-even Analysis RB’s Break-even Analysis is based on the average of the first-year figures for total sales by units, and by operating expenses. These are presented as per-unit revenue, per-unit cost, and fixed costs. These conservative assumptions make for a more accurate estimate of real risk. RB should break  even by the fourth month of its operation as it steadily increases its sales. 9.Operations Plan This shop has two owners.they are brothers and sisters.One is Shuddho Fuad Sadi and other one is Afroza Hoque Eite.Shuddho Fuad Sadi has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and management, and was vice president of marketing with both Sajib and Sejan Foods. Afroza Hoque Eite brings experience in the area of finance and administration, including a stint as chief financial officer with both Swiss Bakery and the national coffee store chain, Hotcups. The company intends to hire two full-time pastry bakers and six part-time baristas to handle customer service and day to day operations. 10.Summary There are no coffe shop in Azimpur.So it will be a great achivement if it is established here.The budget of this shop is only one lakh and it will make a huge profit.This business should establish in Azimpr.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Red Handed

Title: I was a disappointment to my Dad 2004 was the year my father developed a taste for schedules and routines. It was, and still is, his way of making sure that things are in order, and I suppose it was his way, when we were younger, of ensuring there was some consistency in our daily lives. When Mum left, I think that was all he could think to do – giving us something fixed, something to fall back on, something to let us know that our world still stood firm even as his was falling apart. It was never really the same, our world; he was never really the same. Mum has always been the spontaneous one.She had always done things whenever she felt like it. I suppose that was why she could leave us just like that. She had never been one for commitment. After she left, my father came up with The Schedule. We had to follow it, and by then we were so desperate to keep one parent that we paid attention. He took great pride in us following it for a while. The Schedule gratified him. I remember Fridays were pizza days; they only had the regular pizza then, not the triple cheese extravaganza they do now, something for which I am utterly thankful; on Thursdays we took trips to the parks.It did not matter which park it was or how many times we had been there before. We just went on Thursdays. Matt, three years my junior, and I, would see how many flowers we could find that had at least an insect hovering over them while Father stared blankly into the distance, occasionally, he would smile. Then there were Tuesdays. On Tuesdays, I was to finish whatever assessment Dad asked me to do. I would put in my best effort to have them done to perfection and always long before he came to pick us up at Aunt’s.I would, upon entering his new black BMW, brandish out the assessment to show off to him and I had always been a honest boy so he never tore the answer key out before. Each time, his eyes would light up and tell me I was a good boy and off we would go home where he w ould mark my work and explain my mistakes (which I rarely have) to me. Followed by that, we would be off for dinner at the place I chose but since Matt was still six, Dad did not give him any assignment which meant he had no say in what we were going to have for dinner and he always beg with me to choose Macdonald’s.The World was going to be all right for one more day. Dad’s smile told me so. That particular Tuesday, the day of The Incident, I came face to face with something I wish I never again have to face, but yet I see it time and again, lodged in my guilty mind. The day started off the same way. It started off right. I think that was the worst part, the fact that things could have just taken sudden about-turns. Breakfast, school, Aunt’s. I was nine and I remember feeling, no, knowing that I had forgotten something. That vaguely familiar sense of unease that plagues everyone starts with the innocence of childhood mistakes, I suppose.What was it, the thing t hat I had forgotten? I could not remember. Put away my toys? Done. Helping my brother tie his shoelaces? Done. So what was it? Something was out of order. Something did not belong. Five more minutes left before we had to leave. Ignoring that nagging feeling, I dragged my brother out of another series of ‘Transformers’. He as usual quietly obeyed me as he begged, â€Å"can we have Macdonald’s please? † That was then the realization that dawned on me was like a slow burn. I could feel my skin prickling. My blood seemed to become warmer as it made its way to my head. I had not done my assessments!Dad is going to ‘kill’ me but I only have five minutes left how much can I finish? Oh no! Instinctively, I reached for a pen and told my brother he could watch for another five min. The time slowly ticked by. Five minutes, four minutes†¦ I was out off time! That was when I came up with my idea an idea I wished I had never done. I flipped to the book and found the page I needed to copy. Done! Just on time! I then dragged Matt out of Aunt’s who was as always decisively happy we were leaving. Sitting on the stoop, I could feel Dad finding out I had copied but there was no way because my work was usually perfect. Where is Dad? Where is he? Huh? Where? Where? Why is he not here yet? Huh Bro? † Now Matt was whining about Dad being late. In my unease, I could not even tell him to shut up and he must be surprised by my stillness because he casted a curious glance at me. Before Matt could ask what happened, Dad pulled up along the kerb, his car coughing up exhaust fumes. I pretended to sound as if everything was normal. I waved my assessment at him, my banner of proof. When we reached home, Dad turned over to the answer key and started marking. Little known to me, I had left three evidence there.Firstly, I had left a blue pen mark on the answer key, Secondly; I was doing Primary 5 work so I could not have possibly have got ten full marks, lastly, I had sneezed while copying down the answers so there was still mark of my sneeze. Then I saw that flicker. I saw that flicker in his eyes. Realisation, disappointment, rejection. It was only for a split second but, yes, it was there, the disappointment. I could almost hear him: â€Å"How like her mother she is; how like her mother she is. †He must have known that I had seen the flicker too because then, just like that, I could see him almost willing himself to cast that critical thought aside.I Know he was not able to do so because two years from The Incident, when I do talk to him, something which had grown progressively rare in those days, I still see that flicker in his eye. I never showed him my work after that day and I now mark my own work, he too never asked. Now, every Tuesday, I am often so overwrought I can only find comfort having left a mark on the answer key. I would always recall that Tuesday when I was nine, It was that Tuesday when I s aw that disappointment come to stay in my father’s eyes and no, oh God no, that for the first time, it had been me who had put it there.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mount St. Helens

Geographic Facts and OverviewElevation: 8, 635 feet (2,550 m)Prominence: 4, 605 feet (1,404 m)Coordinates: 46 °12’00.17†N, 122 °11’21.13†WAge of rock: > 40,000 yearsEasiest access: southern slopeMount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano in Skamania County, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is located 96 miles south of the city of Seattle and 53 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon. Mount St. Helens takes its name from the British diplomat Lord St Helens, a friend of George Vancouver, who did a survey of this place in the late 1800s.The mountain can be found in the Cascade Range and is part the Cascade Volcanic Arc, a segment of the Pacific Ring of Fire that includes over 160 active volcanoes (Mount St. Helens). This volcano is quite well known for its ash explosions and pyroclastic flows. It is located 45 miles west of Mount Adams, in the western part of the Cascade Range. These volcanic mountains are each approximatel y 50 miles from Mount Rainier, the highest of Cascade volcanoes. Mount Hood, the nearest major volcanic peak in Oregon, is 60 miles (95 km) southeast of Mount St. Helens. (Mount St. Helens)Mount St. Helens is quite young compared to the other well-known Cascade volcanoes (Mount St. Helens). It only formed within the last 40,000 years, and the summit cone (before the 1980 eruption) began rising around 2000 years ago. The volcano is still considered the most active in the Cascades within the last 10,000 or so years, according to the Mount St. Helens report in Wikipedia.Mount St. Helens Eruptive HistoryThe early eruptive stages of Mount St. Helens are known as the â€Å"Ape Canyon Stage† (around 40–35,000 years ago), the â€Å"Cougar Stage† (ca. 20–18,000 years ago), and the â€Å"Swift Creek Stage† (roughly 13–8,000 years ago).The modern period, since about 2500 BC, is called the â€Å"Spirit Lake Stage†. (Mount St. Helens) Collectively , the pre-Spirit Lake Stages are known as the â€Å"ancestral stages† (Mount St. Helens).The Eruption of May 18, 1980Mount St. Helens erupts maybe around once each century. After lying asleep for 123 years, Mount St. Helens again spewed steam and ash on March 27, 1980 – a prelude that put geologists on alert. But what happened on the18th of May, 1980, went beyond what anyone had envisioned. According to Mount Saint Helens History report, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake from inside the volcano triggered the destruction of its north flank, letting down the largest landslide in recorded history and a volcanic eruption equal in power to 500 atom bombs (History). As much as a cubic mile of volcanic material shot upward and sideways.The blast traveled at more than 300 miles per hour with temperatures in excess of 600 degrees F, destroying 230 square miles of forest (History).   Within seconds, the trunks of thousands of 150-foot-tall old-growth Douglas firs snapped like toothpi cks. Ash rained down over 22,000 square miles, blew more than 12 miles into the atmosphere and circled the globe in 17 days (History).   When the ash finally cleared up, the mountain was reduced by 1,313 feet (History). Although the Forest Service and local authorities had worked hard to keep people away, 57 were killed.   Rocks, snow and ice roared down the mountain at enormous speeds (sometimes reaching more than 100 miles per hour). Most large animals on the volcano, like mountain goats, black bears, and thousands of elk and deer (even most fish, amphibians, insects and birds), died. (History)Mount St. Helens before the EruptionBefore the eruption of 1980, Mount St. Helens formed an almost perfectly conical, youthful volcano that sometimes was known as the Fuji-san of America (Eruptive History). According to Volcano World’s Eruptive History page, during the 1980 eruption, however, the upper 400 m of the summit was removed by a slope avalanche, leaving a 2 x 3.5 km hors eshoe-shaped crater now partially filled by a lava dome.The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 changed the surrounding environment. Before the eruption, the areas around the mountain were known for its natural beauty. The Spirit Lake basin was said to be coated with ancient trees. The tree rings of these huge 800 year-old trees show evidence of eruptions that date back before the time of the Europeans arrival in the Americas (Biologic History).A few research sites existed before 1980 and they showed a healthy, vigorous forest, growing on the rich volcanic soils typical of the Pacific Northwest (Biologic History). Under the dense canopy, huckleberries, ferns, and mosses grew. A wide variety of animals lived here. Above Spirit Lake, the alpine meadows on the mountain were slowly being overtaken by trees (Biologic History). The alpine meadows supported a wide variety of wildflowers and gnarled trees. Mountain goats were transplanted from the Olympic Peninsula. They were well known fo r their aggressive ways.Sometimes they butted hikers right down the mountain (Biologic History). When people remember Spirit Lake, they always mention how clear it was (Biologic History). Fed by snow and glacial melt, the lake's temperature was normally below 55 degrees Fahrenheit year round (Biologic History). The many types of microscopic plants and animals that fish eat did not do well in this cold water. Because of this, the fish that were stocked never managed to become a self-sustaining population (Biologic History). Some people will tell you that Spirit Lake was overflowing with fish. However, catch records indicate that it was just average for the Northwest. Those who visited Mount St. Helens before 1980, were always impressed by its natural beauty. (Biologic History)Mount St. Helens NowAs amazingly destructive as it was, the May 18, 1980 eruption is just one of many events in the history of Mount St. Helens. Considering the 27 years and renewed volcanic activity, it is surp rising to see how Mount St. Helens continually changes. The past 27 or so years have been characterized by a rebirth.   Within the crater, a new lava dome began rising in 1986, rebuilding the mountain (History).   A new glacier has established itself on the crater floor.  Ã‚   And since early October 2004, a second lava dome has grown at a rate as high as a dump-truck load in volume every second.At this rate, scientists estimate Mount St. Helens could return to its height before the 1980 eruption of 9,677 feet in less than 200 years – less than a blink of the eye in geologic time (History). Remarkably, plant and animal life has revived itself faster than was expected. Beetles were among the earliest animals to return and over 300 kinds now flourish (History). Lupines, members of the pea family, were among the first plants to grow in the deep deposits of volcanic ash.Scientists learned that lupines drive ecological recovery by creating islands of rich nutrients that prom ote establishment of other plant species (History).   Millions of new trees and animal species have also returned to the areas that most of them left in 1980.   Mount St. Helens is back to being a living playground. According to the Mount St. Helens Institute, it has become one of the most  remarkable areas of geological and ecological disturbance and restoration in the world. This country has learned a lot from what happened 27, or so, years ago. We are now better prepared to face another eruption (to avoid the casualties of 1980), and scientists, our other learned friends in different fields of study, and the general public, are coming to experience the remarkable volcano that is Mount St. Helens.The Current EruptionsMount St. Helens came alive again in the fall of 2004 and has continually been erupting. Plenty of news crews and visitors from around the globe have surged to the volcano.   Mount St. Helens has returned to its former grandeur and is now a leading recreationa l area, with more than 500,000 visitors a year. W O R K S  Ã‚   C I T E Dâ€Å"Mount St. Helens.† Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 22 Apr 2007, 19:46 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 24 Apr 2007 ;;oldid=124937639;

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Challenges Facing the Nursing Profession

Looking ahead at some of the challenges facing the nursing profession seem pretty daunting. Nursing shortages, a rapidly aging population (to also include an aging nursing population), short staffed hospitals are the norm these days. These are just a few examples of some of the problems facing nurses today and into the next century. With a population growing and hospital care struggling to keep up as it is, we have a catastrophe mounting on our hands. The baby boom generation is nearing retirement age. This means they will start to require more and more health related stays in hospitals as their health starts to fail them. The baby boomers make up a whopping 28% of this country. According to the article, The Baby Boomers’ Massive Impact on Health Care, â€Å"AHA acknowledged that the over-65 population will triple between 1980 and 2030, with the first baby boomers turning 65 in 2011. Although the health and lifestyle of people at age 65 is very different than it was in generations past—it’s even been said that â€Å"60 is the new 50†Ã¢â‚¬â€the reality remains that chronic conditions continue to plague the population. In fact, AHA reported that more than 37 million boomers will be managing more than one chronic condition by 2030(Orlovsky, www. nursezone. com). Add in the advancing age of nurses as well. As there is a demand for qualified nurses right now, the demand is growing everyday. According to the ANA the average age of a registered nurse is currently at 46. 8 years. This is a scary thing. Since there is already a shortage of nurses, what will happen when these older nurses start to retire? Where and how does the growing demand stop growing? This is a huge question that needs to be answered quick. The ANA has also stated,† According to the BLS report, more than 2. 9 million RNs will be employed in the year 2012, up 623,000 from the nearly 2. 3 million RNs employed in 2002. However, the total job openings, which include both job growth and the net replacement of nurses, will be more than 1. 1 million. This growth, coupled with current trends of nurses retiring or leaving the profession and fewer new nurses, could lead to a nursing shortage of more than one million nurses y the end of this decade(Nursingworld. com). With deficits like that what happens to healthcare? As the demand for qualified nurses increases, so will the need for qualified teachers. More students need to be taught to become nursing professionals. While this may be one of the last things people think about when it comes to the demand for registered nurses it is one of the more important areas. If there are not qualified people to teach, how do you expect individuals to learn the material needed to succeed? According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nursing schools rejected 26,340 qualified applicants in 2004 primarily because of faculty shortages. And 7 percent of the 10,200 full-time faculty positions at 609 U. S. undergraduate and graduate nursing programs are vacant(Arias www. medscape. com). The nursing profession will be fine. It has overcome and adapted throughout its history and will continue to. The professionals of the field will fight on, just as it does with each and every twelve hour shift that passes by. Read also: â€Å"Ati RN Community Health Online Practice 2016 B†

Advanced Networking for Context Aware Services

Call of origin:   It is the simplest form of mechanism for finding the approximate position in the RF based system. Angulations: Known as Angle of Arrival (AoA). The determination of the position of the mobile location in this system is done by analyzing the angle of incident of the arriving signal. RSS: It is known as Received Signal Strength. It can be determined by the mobile device or the receiving signal. TDOA: Time Difference of Arrival is a wireless technology that depends on the receiving signal coming from the call towers for determination of the location of the mobile. Trilateration: It is a method of location calculation based on the Wi-Fi service (SpringerReference 2018). The determination of the quadrant of the location is based on the number of access points. All the techniques mentioned above are the indoor positioning of the network. Support, P., Engine, C., & Guides, C. (2018).  Cisco Context-Aware Service Configuration Guide, Release - Chapter 1: Overview [Cisco Mobility Services Engine].  Cisco. Retrieved 30 April 2018, from SpringerReference. (2018). Retrieved 30 April 2018, from

Friday, September 13, 2019

Institutions of Poverty in Guadalupe and Chavez Essay

Institutions of Poverty in Guadalupe and Chavez - Essay Example The manner in which each institution acts on the society is controlled by numerous factors. This is aimed at separating individuals who earn their income using unlawful means from ones who with legal sources of income. This is therefore what is represented by indigenous organizations. This separation is in regard to the geographic means since these institutions put into consideration areas with more security and ones with high crime rates. Normally, illegal groups live in the crime-ridden areas because they won't have to care about the police. This is due to the fact that there is no constant presence of police officers. On the other hand, social networks are organizations that aim at helping people to find jobs. One thing that is being noticed is that there are certain jobs which are exclusive to a certain ethnic-racial group since what really matters is the number of that group. The third institution, the local subculture, is responsible for controlling means through which a family gets aid (219). That is, the needs and mentality of the family are the main factors that will determine whether the family will be given the welfare’s aid or not. Usually, size and the role of each family member define the structure of the family. A neighborhood, ethnic group, and family structure are the other factors which influence these three institutions. First, the existence of police officers in certain neighborhoods provides the chance for the illegal networks to work away from police-view. Second, ethnicity is the major factor which the social networks put into consideration (who works where). This is acc ording to its assertion above that every certain race dominates certain kind of jobs. Furthermore, a big role is played by the family structure in the subcultures and determines the manner through which aid would be distributed among the members.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Research paper on false memory for psychology Essay

Research paper on false memory for psychology - Essay Example This paper aimed at ascertaining whether this is true using a sample of 126 people (36 Females and 90 Males). According to Roediger III, H et al. (2001), visual objects are better remembered than are words which are just memorized. To him, imagery aids are remembered since they are retained in the memory. All recall phenomenon depend on the interaction and retrieval process of the words to be recalled. To Roediger III, H. and McDermott, K.B. (1995), words which are associated with related words presented earlier on are false fully recalled. In a research, Roediger III and McDermott proved that, words which are related in a certain order are easier to false-recall than those that not related. This is so because, the memory tends to recall words in a certain order which may fail if the order is not followed. Human minds often retrieve information due to sheer falsehoods. According to Cathy, L. M. et al. (1999), in day to day life, many people interact, communicate and form and interrelationship between the various words they sue. To Cathy, L. M. et a, the ability to recall this words depends on the preexisting connections between the words and the other associates. The study below is based on the capability of recalling words. Age has also been cited as a factor in memory recall. In this case, this will be tested with the age of the various participants being split into two, those aged between 15-21 and those above 21 years; However, according to many researchers, the ability to recall words not included in any list does not depend on ones age. In this research study, it will be assumed that, the recall capability of all the participants is the same across all ages. Almost all of them are assumed to be able to recall words at the medium level. Some 126 participants were selected for the study with 36 females and 90 males. All of them were required to read the 15 words from the 15 lists and then told to remember