Friday, March 20, 2020

Miniority Report essays

Miniority Report essays Have you ever wondered what it would take to create a Utopian society? Well in both the film Minority Report and the novel Fahrenheit 451 such tests are carried out in the future on their societies. Both F541 and Minority Report address there concern that no can be no so called perfect system for which to achieve a Utopian society; based solely on the element of human error and nature, and due to these flaws, in both F451 and Minority Report measures were taken by the government to ensure that the faults in their very building blocks of society where not exposed. Because as a result it would mean that the system was not perfect after all. The ways by which the two works go about attempting to cover up theses flaws vary. But there messages remain the same; that in order to create some you must also destroy something. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 in order to ensure that people where not exposed to offensive material they decided to begin burning books for it was the most effective censorship and as direct result strip future generations of their independent thought and their individualism. By burning the books the people are giving up their power to the government which allows the government to walk all over the people with later progresses into government molded T.V. Programs intended to create a hyper reality to distract the people from their reality and because of this the government can allow you to only know what they want you to know. Eventually thats to much for the people to know so they begin to bombard people with information so they cant focus on a cause, essentially making them into government puppets. But because of the fact that the system is imperfect there are anomalies such as montag and clarisse who choose to scrutinize the world around them; because this poses a threat to the go vernment they choose to just execute those who don't conform to there system. In the movie Minority Report directed by Steven Spielberg i ...

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